Look at those sunnies!!! How cool are they? There are no words, really. And doesn't she look like she is having the best day? It has to be because of the sunnies. Dig the hair scarf as well. Love it, love it, love it. Just don't love how expensive Dolce & Gabbana sunglasses are. $344.00? Yikes.
But the determined, sunglasses loving side of me would not forget about them. So I decided to use them for inspiration. I went to the thrift store and found some sunnies that I thought would love a little 'flower' touch to them.
At a buck a pair, how could I go wrong. I next headed straight for Michael's craft store. My husband calls me a 'Michael's All Star,' meaning I go there quite a bit. I found some bobby pins in the dollar section that had plastic resin flowers attached to them. Since I knew they weren't attached very strongly, I bought enough packages to make both sunnies.
For this project you will need E-6000 glue, the resin flowers, q-tips and Goo Gone. In the jewelry section, Michaels sells a Martha Stewart line of resin cabochons with rose shapes. There are even molds that you can make your own roses with. However, the dollar section was cheaper this time than Martha's resin roses, so I went with those. But they are a great alternative.
Figure out how you want to position your roses. I went with one large one on each side and several smaller roses surrounding the larger one. You will need some patience for this as the E-6000 doesn't instantly hold. Once it dries, it will stay quite well. But you will need to hold the roses in place for a few minutes until the glue starts to take hold. Otherwise, the roses will slide all over the place. I learned this the hard way.
Use the q-tips to wipe away any excess glue. If you do get some smeared on the lenses, simply spray the lenses with some Goo Gone when the glue is completely dry. Wipe it away with a tissue and you are good to go. You will need to let them dry for at least 24 hours.
I think I like the black best of all.
Look at that girl! Doesn't she look like she is having the best day? Must be the sunnies, right?
(hair scarf also came from the dollar section of Michaels! Check it out ASAP!!!)
D& G Sunnies? Darn Good Sunnies to me!